Wednesday, November 26, 2008


  • Here are some video interview with John Lennox.

  • Here's a link to an article on why we should be thankful for the puritans.

  • Phil Johnson attempts to clear up the misuse of his words by Dr. Allen, who claims that James White is a hypercalvinist. It is odd that Allen is trying to tell Johnson what his own words mean, and how Allen drops important qualifications, makes the distinction between the preceptive and decretive will of God into a mere 'semantic' distinction, and seems to think that unless you're Arminian you're a hypercalvinist.

  • White comments following Johnson's post (see above). "Hopefully by now you [the reader] have gotten to the heart of the issue on this matter: Dr. Allen, and most of those who oppose Reformed theology (but who likewise seem utterly unwilling to engage the topic when the other side will be equally represented), find the term "hyper-Calvinism" a useful pejorative. Useful in the sense that it helps them to try to insulate their followers from actually hearing what the other side has to say. Hence, when I seek to be fully consistent in my beliefs, and as a result, refuse to portray God as having eternally decreed His own unhappiness, I am labeled a "hyper-Calvinist" (despite the fact that it is painfully obvious Calvin surely agreed). I see no evidence that God will be standing upon the parapets of hell weeping for eternity because of His failure to accomplish His will."

  • Challies speaks about Guinness's The Call. After some nauseating examples of gross narcissism and seeking the praise of men (e.g. Sharon Stone), he writes, "In The Call, Guinness discusses narcissim in the context of audience. Christians are to be motivated to serve and to please an audience of One. We are to called to seek the pleasure of God."

  • Spurgeon: "Never think of the Church of God as if she were in danger. If you do, you will be like Uzza; you will put forth your hand to steady the ark, and provoke the Lord to anger against you. If it were in danger, I tell you, you could not deliver it. If Christ cannot take care of his Church without you, you cannot do it. Be still, and know that he is God. . . When you begin to say, "The Church is in danger! The Church is in danger!" what is that to thee? It stood before thou wert born; it will stand when thou hast become worm's meat. Do thou thy duty. Keep in the path of obedience, and fear not. He who made the Church knew through what trials she would have to pass, and he made her so that she can endure the trials and become the richer for it. The enemy is but grass, the word of the Lord endureth for ever."

  • Wallace writes a short tribute to the late Zane Hodges. Zane Hodges (1933–2008)

  • Phillips: "Seeing is believing" is inadequate. We must believe that which accords with reality, even when it doesn't look that way or feel that way. Only Christians have this kind of privilege. Bruce Lee can beat you with

  • Phillips: Obama appears to be creating a Clinton III administration - more moderate and centrist than himself - rather than the 'change' he promised. "I'm happy for Obama to make complete fools out of everyone who voted for him, by not delivering on his distinctly evil and/or foolish promises." Whew! Great news! Obama may be a lying, hypocritical deceiver!

  • Straight-up: "For Moses, no greater tragedy could befall the people of God than the loss of God’s presence. No angel from heaven could suffice as a substitute. In the end, Moses longs for the presence of God more than he longs for the provision of God." We cannot afford to have the disastrous perspective of being content with God's blessings apart from God. Not Content with God’s Blessings

  • Here's a REALLY good reason to (1) cook your food, (2) wash your hands.,2933,455067,00.html

  • JT links to Colson: "Most of us know the story of the first Thanksgiving—at least, we know the Pilgrim version. But how many of us know the Indian viewpoint? No, I’m not talking about some revisionist, politically correct version of history. I’m talking about the amazing story of the way God used an Indian named Squanto as a special instrument of His providence." Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving

  • AiG: This article comments on a presentation by a leading secular evolutionist. "The most important aspect of scientific epistemology, [the presenter] pointed out, is its basis on testable hypotheses." The article points out the distinction between observational and historical science, and says "Darwinian evolution is based on conjecture about a one-time event that we cannot repeat experimentally; the “documentation” of the fossil record is actually just an interpretation of unevolving fossils that presupposes evolution.3 Second, Darwinian evolution violates the law of biogenesis and the second law of thermodynamics. Third, there are good alternatives to evolution regarding the origin of life/biodiversity. These differences distinguish the dog-and-trash and the cattle-and-road-stripe examples from Darwinian evolution." Creationists don't reject inferential explanation , rather, "it makes a difference whether the inferential explanation is based on experience and known laws and fits the evidence best, or whether it’s a guesswork-filled tale built on circumstantial evidence, layers of interpretation, and philosophical beliefs that, at the outset, arbitrarily deny the possibility of a supernatural intelligence." "One’s recognition of God is the dominant factor in what one believes about origins."

  • A windpipe has been successfully grown and constructed from a patient's own stem cells. Astronauts see exoplanets for the first time, which is remarkable considering how many conclusions they've drawn about them. Another human 'ancestor' is found - but this one has a larger brain.

  • CotW: Here's an article discussing the age of the Jenolan Caves in Australia. The age of the Jenolan Caves, Australia

  • Piper has a high view of singleness in This Momentary Marriage. "God promises those of you who remain single in Christ blessings that are better than the blessings of marriage and children." Can you trust Him? “This Momentary Marriage” by John Piper Declares A High View of Singleness 

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