Challies draws on observation by Edwards from Marsden's biography [I remember Gerstner saying the same]. Edwards believed that preaching should stir the mind and affections. "Marsden points out an application of this. "Critics of the awakenings alleged that when people heard many sermons in one week they would not be able to remember much of what they had heard. Edwards countered, 'The main benefit that is obtained by preaching is by impression made upon the mind in the time of it, and not by the effect that arises afterwards by a remembrance of what was delivered.'" Marsden concludes, "Preaching, in other words, must first of all touch the affections.""
Swan continues to examine the alleged Luther statement put forward by Catholics to the effect that the reprobate should rejoice in damnation. "By linking the two quotes together, the caricature is created. We saw previously that rather than Luther teaching the damned should have "ineffable joy" about going to Hell, Luther actually meant that God's eternal election serves as a comfort to his chosen people: "Those who have the wisdom of the Spirit become ineffably happy through the doctrine." We see with the first Catholic citation the additional quote accentuates Luther's alleged teaching that the "ineffably joyful damned" won't have any problem or anger about being damned, but have happily resigned themselves to the will of God."
Dr. David Murray points out that the young, restless, and reformed today really stop with Reformed soteriology - and don't typically adopt the Reformed teaching on worship, government, morality, life, etc. The Reformation principle was prescription - we can only do what is commanded in worship.
It would seem that more and more non-Christians are recognizing that environmentalism has all the characteristics of a new religion.
Kauflin offers six principles for what music to listen to and how to listen to music for the glory of God. Music is a gift that is often abused so as to pad the wallets of many.
Manspeak on 'sex is not the problem - lust is.' Piper defines lust as sexual desire minus honour and holiness. Here's a list of things to remember: "- It’s not lust to be attracted to someone - It’s not lust to have a strong desire to have sex. - It’s not lust to anticipate and be excited about having sex within marriage. - It’s not lust to experience sexual temptation"
Bird has a new book coming out: "Whether Jesus claimed to be a messianic figure is arguably one of the most important questions for a NT Theology and the history of early Christianity." His objective is "to show that the messianism of Jesus is the best way to account for the messianic dimension of the eary church (esp. as reported by Paul) and the messianic testimony embedded in our sources (i.e. the Gospels)."
Bayly again challenged Keller and Ryken to own up to the mistaken use of sources (like Warfield) in support of female deacons. So far, they haven't. See also here for further corroboration.
Spurgeon writes how (in the 19th century) people were using the term 'bigot' to describe those with convictions of doctrine. "I should like to ask the divines of the broad school whether any doctrine is worth a man's dying for it. They would have to reply, "Well, of course, if a man had to go to the stake or change his opinions, the proper way would be to state them with much diffidence, and to be extremely respectful to the opposite school."" [post-modern is pre-modern - nothing new under the sun.]
Here's some info on the difference between the ESV and NKJV.
Don't entertain any form of spiritual depression over the election results. God put Obama there - and we need to remember that God works all things for the good of His people. Maybe Obama will be used to put the church in the fire to scorch off the unspiritual edges.
JT provides a video that answers objections about homosexuality and the Bible.
Turretinfan: Here's a discussion on how James White is by definition not a hypercalvinist. Moreover, hypercalvinism is characterized by fatalism.
Gospel poetry in freestyle rap.
Challies concludes the reading through Religious Affections. "Edwards says, "Christian practice is the most proper evidence of the gracious sincerity of professors, to themselves and others; and the chief of all the marks of grace, the sign of signs, and evidence of evidences, that which seals and crowns all other signs."" He provides some good quotes from Edwards.
There is no biological problem with the first of men marrying siblings, since genetic defects accumulate over time, so there would be no deformation at first. [I'm not satisfied with the answer of whether Abraham sinned in marrying his sister as par the Mosaic law - on account that we don't need to make the patriarchs look good when so many of their sins are already catalogued. They are justified by faith.]
AiG takes the 120 years as the time before the judgment of the flood.
More on the experience in the liberal indoctrination machines that are modern universities.
AiG: "we don’t believe legislators should require Bible-based, young-earth creationism as part of public school curricula; what we want is honest, open discussion about the origins controversy and the problems in evolutionary theory."
Well, at least the church of england is disciplining someone for something other than holding orthodox views of Christ, etc.
Here is more increasing hatred towards Christians by those who proclaim tolerance.
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