Wednesday, November 19, 2008


  • JT: "G. K. Chesterton has inspired Christians and challenged skeptics with his unique wit and wisdom. He delivered biting analysis still relevant today: "A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed." And he composed poignant prose that still touches the heart: "Love is not blind; that is the last thing that it is. Love is bound; and the more it is bound the less it is blind.""

  • Prominent writer Marilynne Robinson's favourite books are by John Calvin, who she thinks is the one of the most falsely caricatured figures in history.

  • Nifty. A slurpee that can save your life.

  • Dan Phillips sings the praises of the new book by Nate Busenitz, Reasons We Believe. It takes the presuppositional approach, and combining it with evidence presents a much needed positive case from a presup. perspective (rather than just negative), showing how to use the evidence. "Specifically, Busenitz focuses on the Bible's own way of arguing for the truth of revelation, and then he points to real-world demonstrations of those truths."

  • If you're interested in understanding the utter irrationality of spending time on conspiracy theories, read this., and this:

  • Piper quotes CS Lewis: "I was therefore writing "for children" only in the sense that I excluded what I thought they would not like or understand; not in the sense of writing what I intended to be below adult attention. I may of course have been deceived, but the principle at least saves one from being patronizing. I never wrote down to anyone; and whether the opinion condemns or acquits my own work, it certainly is my opinion that a book worth reading only in childhood is not worth reading even then. "

  • Challies a la carte: Abortion Changes You "Greg [Koukl] had a really riveting interview yesterday with Michaelene Fredenburg from Abortion Changes You. She talked about the important, but often denied, fact that women who have abortions are never the same."

  • Challies reviews a Visual History of the English Bible. He laments that it has such good content surrounded by such poor style.

  • Bob Kauflin writes: "to highlight three characteristics of “successful” Christian musicians [in God's eyes]. 1. Successful Christian musicians don’t all look the same. 2. Successful Christian musicians are faithful to grow the gifts they’ve received. 3. Successful Christian musicians seek to please the audience of One." He brings this up to avoid the temptation to try to transform church worship into that which is successful in the world's eyes.

  • Dan Phillips. It's his eclectic blog, and he'll do what he wants with it. Stop whining about it. The whole post is worth a read.

  • Here's some advice on engaging the culture.

  • Here's the start of Patton's twenty year journey to theology (his testimony).

  • Turretinfan: " In a religious context, both latria and dulia are (in the Bible) inappropriate for things that are not God. In a religious context, both are encompassed by the broad term προσκυνέω (proskuneo). Proskuneo in a religious context, giving religious reverence, is only for God. The idea that mere religious dulia (or religious hyper-dulia) is acceptable while only latria is forbidden is simply without Biblical foundation." ... " We acknowledge that dulia can be rendered to the creation outside the religious context. We insist that all religious proskuneo, whether latria or dulia, is improper if directed to anyone but God."

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