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Phil Johnson points out that Dr. Allen's erroneous tarring of James White as hypercalvinist misuses/misquotes Johnson's article on hypercalvinism, and that unfulfilled desires in God is a main problem in Arminian theology. "if the average Baptist preacher were one-tenth as committed to evangelism as James White, Arminians in the SBC might actually be in a position to carp about hyper-Calvinism's detrimental effect on soul-winning. As it is, those who say these kinds of things ought to sit with their hands over their mouths and learn some things from Mr. White." Amidst the sarcasm and humour, Michael Bird (not the pro-gay-marriage bishop in Niagra, Canada) briefly goes after said samely-named bishop. This quote was interesting, "Everybody is invited to my church and come as you are: gays, prostitutes, ex-cons, even people who vote Republican! But no-one is allowed to stay as you are, and if you have to do business with God in the area of sexuality, well, so be it." There is probably something to be said for powerful public reading of the Scriptures in addition to the text for the sermon. This is funny. An interesting excerpt about William Nobes. Christians used to write a lot more about heaven and hell. Hays offers some facts, possibilities, and speculations on heaven. James White follows up on being called a hypercalvinist, and comments on the John 3:16 conference. "As is the case amongst the Calvary Chapels---when you direct folks to the Bible, you are directing them to the very heart and soul of Reformed theology, the living text itself. So you have to try to overlay it with as much human tradition as you can lest they see with clarity the power and freedom of God that shines from every page! That seems to have been the purpose in this conference in Georgia as well. Give the pastors some kind of argumentation to use---not a full response, not a meaningful exegetical position to espouse, but just enough of a response to deflect interest." C.S. Lewis: Did you ever meet, or hear of, anyone who was converted from skepticism to a "liberal" or "demythologized" Christianity? I think that when unbelievers come in at all, they come in a good deal further. David Mathis: The book, A faith worth sharing, is recommended. It is a death-bed narration of a life-time of conversations about Christ. Three tips on evanglism. 1) Read the Bible with someone. 2) Invite unbelievers into community. 3) Be open about your weaknesses. Mohler preached a message, How not to raise a pagan. Find here: CBMW recommends Margaret Kostenberger's book Jesus and the Feminists: Who do they say He is? This book looks at the history of feminism and three feminist takes on Christ. "Radical feminism rejects the Bible and Christianity because a perceived "patriarchal bias." Reformist feminism does not reject the Scriptures out of hand, but uses the Bible as a means to reconstruct "positive theology" for women. Evangelical feminism asserts that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and holds that Scripture, rightly interpreted, teaches complete gender equality." "With its revisionist approach to heremeneutics, feminism arrives at a Jesus who is not the Lord of historic Christian orthodoxy. Köstenberger argues that feminism's methodology of interpretation ultimately makes the reader supreme over Scripture." CBMW: A female chaplain is appointed at a university. What cannot be avoided is the simple observation that students, faculty, administration and guests will likely view Grega as a person in spiritual authority on campus. Solapanel: Read the Bible with your kids. Here's some tips. Solapanel: There is suffering in ministry. Look to the promises of glory in heaven, and the promise from Jesus of 100 fold restoration of any cost. Keep the eyes on the prize, namely, the glory of God in Christ, for the long haul. We can hope for eternal life confidently. Aomin: Christopher Hitchens and Doug Wilson debated on the campus of Westminster Theological Seminary (East) on October 30, 2008. Audio is available at WTS. Creation on the Web: "Quartzite gravel, most of it rounded to some degree, can be found in soils that overlie any geology imaginable (but none of which includes quartzite)." This article briefly describes how the distribution is consistent with the Flood. "[in the context of the Sheet Flow Phase of the flood, it is no surprise to find gravels that formed from resistant rocks, like quartzite, spread far from their source in the Appalachian Mountains onto the Piedmont. " Challies: There is probably enough Gospel in Rick Warren's The Purpose of Christmas for someone to be saved. With that said, there are some serious problems. 1) Misapplication of providence. 2) "God isn't mad at you, but about you", and Warren generalizes texts that speak of God's people by applying them to unbelievers (no distinction between God's love for His own and those who are not) 3) Abuse of Scriptures. 4) Reconciliation to God is primarily couched in terms of personal benefit (e.h. purpose for living), but not the gift of communion with Christ. 5) This brutal excerpt speaks for itself: 'When the Romans nailed Jesus to a cross, they stretched his arms as wide as they could. With his arms wide open, Jesus was physically demonstrating, "I love you this much! I love you so much it hurts! I'd rather die than live without you!"' James White has some thoughts on the election, and particularly on what we should really pray for with respect to Obama, the rejection of Christianity - and secular humanism cannot stand up to Islam, how the nations are sliding into complete moral bankruptsy, as we live in a culture presuppositionally opposed to God. Obama will appoint horrid judges to leadership, and bad judges are biblically a judgment! ... The church that adapts itself to this godlessness is the emergent church; a religious form of our modern culture. We must soak ourselves in the word of God so as to speak as it speaks, anc all evil what it is - evil. We do not show respect for those who uphold evil. The summary from White: "The cultural shift toward Darwinian humanism was displayed in its fullest form yet in the elections of 2008 in the US. Here are my thoughts." It seems that this video has struck a chord with people.
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