Friday, December 26, 2008


  • Gender Blog writes about what it is that makes the holy night of Christmas holy. O Holy Night!

  • Hays comments on a question regarding 'defeating sin by the power of the Spirit.' 1) most who say this probably haven't thought about it too much. It sounds pious, but the reality is that whether you are an obedient Christian or a backslider, the Spirit is always at work in you. The Spirit isn't working or not working in you just because you talk that way. 2) It might be a form of quietism - but the Spirit can work through and in our activities. 3) The Sanctitron®

  • Jeff writes about the necessity of the Trinity for the doctrine of the mediatorship of Christ. "Hebrews’ entire point in 7:21 rests on that fact that Jesus made no oath, because God made the oath. How is this possible, if there are no personal differentiations within God?" Christ As Our Mediator- Psalm 110, Hebrews, and the Oneness Position

  • JT has links to all three of Mathis' posts on the permanence of the humanity of Christ (as summarized at this blog over the last several days). The Permanence of Christmas

  • Evan: "A resource for survivors of abuse in the orthodox churches.". By their fruits shall you know them

  • Chan: "Darrell Bock looks at the recent Newsweek piece on gay marriage in three posts: here (1); here (2); and here (3)." Fake, but accurate

  • White quotes a letter in full that shows the argumentation from King James Onlyists. It is... not exactly compelling. Ruckmanism Abounds

  • Phillips doesn't like his Wii - well, Nintendo, so far. Wii so far

  • "What benefit do you receive from the holy conception and birth of Christ? That He is our Mediator,[1] and with His innocence and perfect holiness[2] covers, in the sight of God, my sin,[3] wherein I was conceived.[4] [1] 1 Tim 2:5-6; Heb 2:16-17, 9:13-15; [2] Rom 8:3-4; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 4:4-5; 1 Pt 1:18-19; [3] Ps 32:1; 1 Jn 1:9; [4] Ps 51:5" The Benefits of Christ's Birth

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