Thursday, December 25, 2008


  • Phillips traces the "seed" of woman from Eve in Genesis 3 through Noah and Abram and Isaac and Jacob. He also points out that Sarah and Rebekah and Leah and Rachel were all infertile. Then David is then given the promised that he will never lack a son on the throne. Then Isaiah prophesies of a virgin birth, a child called God-with-us. The coming of Christ was part of the eternal plan of God. This Jesus is no longer a babe in a feeding trough. He is the conquering seed, the King, the Son of David. The Christmas Story

  • White draws attention to an Islamic banner displayed in Nazareth - and makes two points. 1) Islam is fundamentally defined by its opposition to Christianity. 2) Consider the freedom these Muslims enjoy in hanging this banner. Christians would certainly not be afforded such freedom in Muslim nations. An Honest Statement

  • Mathis gives us another post reminding us by way of several quotes of the persistent humanity of Jesus. Jesus' Humanity Now

  • There is a Santa way of approaching God and a Jesus way of approaching God, and the former is death, while the latter life. Bad News- Santa Is Coming

  • "A call to preach to and live out the gospel with those struggling with generational poverty, life-controlling addictions, and deeply ingrained destructive habits does not generally produce impressive statistics." But faithfulness is not lost on Jesus. One of My Heroes

  • This side of heaven Christmas is still a promise. The full culmination of ultimate satisfaction in the Son awaits. Come, Lord Jesus!

  • Here's some reviews and recommendations for toddler Bibles. Toddler Bibles Reviewed, Part II

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