Wednesday, January 6, 2010


  • White writes about the importance of tackling tough issues and the need to give a solid foundation for new believers. One area he has addressed is the trustworthiness of the Scriptures. “the doctrine of inspiration speaks to the origination and character of the original writings themselves, their character and authority. Inerrancy speaks to the trustworthiness of the supernatural process of inspiration, both with reference to the individual texts (Malachi’s prophecy, 2 John) as well as the completed canon (matters of pan-canonical consistency, the great themes of Scripture interwoven throughout the Old and New Testaments).” God chose to reveal Himself in a way that isn’t neat enough for some, who want it locked and encrypted, having floated down from heaven complete with gold edges. God’s means of revealing Himself and preserving that revelation through a manuscript tradition has vindicated it from the allegation of wholesale corruption and changed, which could be lodged against a text like the Qur’an, which was a controlled, centrally edited text. Folks like Ehrman presuppose that God simply could not have revealed himself prior to the invention of the photocopier. And we must also avoid ‘microwave theology’. Inspiration, Inerrancy, Preservation

  • Here’s what looks like an interesting read on radiometric dating: The Relevance of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb-Pb Isotope Systematics to Elucidation of the Genesis and History of Recent Andesite Flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, and the Implications for Radioisotopic Dating. Here’s the abstract: “Mt. Ngauruhoe in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand erupted andesite lava flows in 1949 and 1954, and avalanche deposits in 1975. Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb-Pb radioisotopic analyses of samples of these andesites, as anticipated, did not yield any “age” information, although the Pb isotopic data are strongly linear. When compared with recent andesite flows from the related adjacent Ruapehu volcano, the Sr-Nd-Pb radioisotopic systems plotted on correlation diagrams provide information about the depleted mantle source for the parental basalt magmas and the source of the crustal contamination that produced the andesite lavas from them. The variations in both the depleted mantle Nd “model ages” and the Pb isotopes also suggest radioisotopic heterogeneity in the mantle wedge 80 km below the volcano where partial melting has occurred, contaminated by mixing with trench sediments scraped off the interface with the subducting slab. Thus the radioisotopic ratios in these recent Ngauruhoe andesite flows were inherited, and reflect the origin and history of the mantle and crustal sources from which the magma was generated. By implication, the radioisotopic ratios in ancient lavas throughout the geologic record are likely fundamental to their geochemistry, characteristic of their origin and history rather than necessarily providing valid conventional “ages.”” [emphasis added]

  • The missing link, Tiktaalik, has been dethroned by recent findings, namely, trackways with digits and alternating steps, said to be 18 million years older, which force a radical reassessment of timing, ecology, environmental setting, and completeness of the body of the fossil record. Tiktaalik Demoted to Has-Been

  • Here’s an explanation of the complex, integrated, coordinated, robust, overlapping systems involved with human vision. Getting the visual scene right can actually affect our sense of self.  “Central aspects of our self-conception may build upon the integration of such corollary discharge-transmitting loops and their disturbed functioning might contribute to the symptomatology in devastating diseases such as schizophrenia.” No word from scientists on how this might have evolved.

  • God’s judgment on Babylon in Isaiah 13:16-19 , remembered in Psalm 137:8-9, which assails modern sensibilities, is a reminder to fear the Lord and to serve Him only, for God is a Jealous God. God's Judgment On Babylon

  • Aquinas differed (based on forged or dubious patristic citations) that i) the universal church could in some sense define doctrine, and ii) he viewed the Roman bishop as the chief residence of the universal church’s authority. Aquinas on the Development of Doctrine

  • Calvinism is sometimes accused of turning men into robots or puppets. Two ways of responding: i) Men have wills, make choices. This is fine. ii) But this isn’t the best analogy – rather, men are turned into axes, saws, and staves [my answer was pottery]. If it’s degrading to compare to robots, how much more a stick with a blade. Yet, Isaiah 10:12-15. Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood. Even wicked men are tools in God’s hand, and if you don’t like it, your problem isn’t with 16th century Frenchmen but with the Scriptures themselves. Men are not deciders in history, but actors. Axe, Saw, and Staff Theology

  • Aquinas taught that the universal church could not err at least in some circumstances. But as to the successors of the apostles and prophets, he taught that we believe them insofar as they teach the same things as the apostles and prophets. Hence, for him the Scriptures serves as the outer markers for what those holding apostolic succession can teach and expect others to believe: “we believe the successors of the apostles and prophets only in so far as they tell us those things which the apostles and prophets have left in their writings.” Aquinas- Scriptures Define Limit on Acceptable Teachings of Apostolic Successors

  • T-fan links to Greg Bahsen here: Is Sola Scriptura a Protestant Concoction-

  • Hays cites how the argument for Roman Catholicism inevitably reduces, after all the selective appeals to history, etc. to an a priori argument for the necessity of an infallible teacher – but when there was a disagreement between Hillel and Shamai over the grounds for divorce, which Jewish pope adjudicated? None. That's why I'm Catholic

  • Whether we agree with them or not, it’s important to understand how groups view themselves, and Muslim Nauman Khan gave a lecture recently on “Common Misconceptions by Non-Muslims” and particularly addresses the issues of violence and war within Islam. Contentious Issues – War in Islam

  • Phil Johnson writes that Christians ought to be passionate about truth, love for God and others, and the glory of God – but raw passion isn’t the point; it edifies when it’s the right kind of passion for the right things. Many Christians glorify passion for passion’s sake, a problem exacerbated by Christian emulation of all the world’s passions. We do things to stir artificial passions which are no better than idolatry. For example, the youth pastor who uses the act of eating peanut butter out of armpits to shock and astound. "The idea is to get students here to meet our Savior. They are getting all this crazy stuff out there in the world all the time. We are trying to show them that God is cooler." Ouch. When the goal of churches is to entertain, lull into self-satisfaction, or simply gross out, no wonder the world isn’t being won to Christ but instead increasing in hostility. Peanut-butter Passion

  • Gender Blog posts a blog from Challies on their adoption of child. The most common question was, ‘Don’t you already have kids?’ i.e. why would you adopt if you have biological children? Challies writes that being committed to life, to the helpless and disadvantaged, to biblical manhood, to Gospel-centredness, to the nations are all reasons for adoption. Don't You Already Have Kids- Adding to Your Existing Family Through Adoption

  • Nearly 20% of pregnant Canadian women are having more ultrasounds than recommended (guidelines recommend that two ultrasound exams can be performed in a pregnancy without complications).

  • Piper offers seven reasons to study Ruth. i) It’s God’s word. ii) It’s a love story. iii) It’s a portrait of beautiful, noble manhood and womanhood. iv) It addresses racial and ethnic diversity and harmony. v) It displays the sovereignty of God. vi) It displays radical acts of risk-taking love. vii) It displays the glory of Christ. 7 Reasons to Love and Study the Book of Ruth

  • Swan, in replying to the typical objection that ‘if one claims the Bible is the standard by which all doctrine is assessed and sola scriptura itself is not taught in Scripture, then sola scriptura is self-refuting,’ notes: i) The burden of proof is on the Romanist to prove that God has given special revelation elsewhere. If they can’t, then it follows that there is only one record of God’s voice. ii) Ironically Bible verses are employed to help the Romanist position, as if they have been infallibly interpreted by Rome – but they haven’t been. What Rome says, is "we declare X, and here are some Bible verses that help us out...but keep in mind, the Bible verses may not actually support X..." iii) Patrick Madrid offers this helpful and self-obliterating explanation: “As anyone familiar with the dogma of papal infallibility knows, the reasons given in a dogmatic definition are not themselves considered infallible; only the result of the deliberations is protected from error. It’s always possible that while the doctrine defined is indeed infallible, some of the proofs adduced for it end up being incorrect.” The Helpful Apologetics of Patrick Madrid

  • Burk cites Peter Wehner, who points out the double standard among those who are angry over Hume’s remakes, in that when Hitchens promotes atheism and is far more critical of Christianity than Hume was of Buddhism, the left didn’t say that such remarks were inappropriate for public debate. “Brit Hume is rightly recognized as one of the finest journalists of his generation. He also turns out to be a man of deep Christian faith who isn’t afraid to say so. That makes him not only rare, but very nearly unique. And admirable.” Howling about Hume not Hitchens

  • Burk notes the scorn poured upon Brit Hume for his comments on Christianity and Buddhism. Washington Post columnist Tom Shales said that he doesn’t have the authority unless he believes every Christian by mandate must proselytize. Contra Shales, Jesus does command His disciples to proselytize. And Jesus told us that the world would not congratulate us for being faithful to this task (Jn. 15:18-21). More Scorn for Hume

  • JT posts links to a number of essays from a variety of intellectuals on the issues surrounding the use of ‘torture’. Torture and Ticking Timebombs- A Christian Ethics Symposium

  • “John Piper’s latest book is now available: A Sweet and Bitter Providence: Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God. It unfolds the book of Ruth and its relevance for today.” Redeeming Ruth

  • “Good counselors explain the import of every decision that’s made. And make sure that counselees understand the importance of them. They obviously want counselees to make good decisions, explain why, and urge them to do so. But, at the same time, they warn about the seriousness of making light-hearted, meaningless decisions. They make every attempt to explain the nature and the consequences of their decisions.” Always Read Carefully

  • Oh awesome. Avatar is nothing new under the sun.

  • Engwer recommends William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith podcast as having a helpful discussion as to how Christ appeared to more than 500, and some other issues. The Resurrection Body And Appearances

  • Phillips satirically points out the problem of the sucker-footed bat for evolution. Isn't evolution wonderful- — 13 (Sucker-footed bats)

  • U.S. President Barack Obama began his second year in office with the second lowest job approval rating and highest disapproval rating of any president at that point in their term over the past 50 years, according to Gallup.

  • Riddlebarger cites the prophetic logic of Harold Camping, if anyone is wondering. “Frankly, someone needs to just say it.  The guy is a kook.  Or else he's senile.  Or a false prophet.  Not good options. This is one reason why "scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.  They will say, `Where is the promise of his coming?  For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.'” (2 Peter 3:3-4).” The Mayans Got It All Wrong! The World Won't End in 2012 . . . Because Jesus is Coming Back in May 2011.

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