Monday, March 9, 2009


  • Challies points to this statistic: "According to a 2005 survey, most Americans--including children--spend at least nine hours a day watching TV, surfing the web, or talking on their cell phones. Of those hours, one-third of the time is spent using two or more of those media at once." 9)

  • Obama is looking to overturn limits on embryonic stem cell research. [One more notch in His belt of accomplishments in His quest to legalize baby murder] Obama to Overturn Bush Stem Cell Policy

  • Challies writes about accountability, pointing out the mandate to confess sins, etc: "I meet every week among a group of leaders from my church and just about every week somebody asks one of these questions: "Is there anything you really do not want to talk about?" or "Is there something you should tell us that you're hoping nobody will ask?" These are good questions, leading questions, that cause us to probe our hearts a little bit to see if there is something we ought to confess." Nevertheless, he draws attention to the reality that accountability may give opportunity not to kill the root of sin, but to actually increase a fear of man. People don't sin not because they fear God, but because they fear men (which is idolatry). Thus the motive is often hardly pure, a result of the sinful heart. Christians and Accountability

  • Piper points out that the judgment on blindness is more blindness, but that opened eyes are blessed. Do you have "blessed eyes"? The new birth is the gift of "blessed eyes." This is what Paul was sent to do in the power of Christ: "I am sending you to open their eyes" (Acts 26:18). Pray for open eyes. Pray for Blessed Eyes

  • Piper comments on two reasons why he doubts the authenticity of David Wilkerson's pronouncement of massive calamity. 1) The 'word' sounds reminiscent of Y2K silliness. 2) Scripture isn't handled carefully. People should be scared, because the future coming on unbelievers is terrifying. But stick to the Bible. Testing David Wilkerson’s Prophecy

  • Riddlebarger says, "Uncertain times often bring out the worst in people. David Wilkerson (of the "Cross and the Switchblade" fame) is telling everyone he knows that the Holy Spirit is urging him to warn people of some sort of impending judgment to come upon New York and New Jersey.  It is remarkable to me that these "dire warning" messages seem to come more often when a democrat (especially one considered to be no friend of evangelicals) is in the White House.  But didn't 9-1-1 came to pass when an evangelical was president???  Meanwhile, so much for the sufficiency of Scripture.  Wilkerson gets his news directly from the Spirit.  Click here: David Wilkerson Today: AN URGENT MESSAGE" Rush and Rousseau

  • Grudem writes that Obama's use of the masculine pronoun in the generic sense indicates that it has hardly disappeared from common usage. Has Modern English Really Gone Gender-Neutral-

  • Adams writes that one should sort out why he wants to counsel, because it is quite wearisome at times, and therefore your reason should be sufficient to sustain you through these times. He thinks any lesser motive should be abandoned and that one should counsel "because God requires it of you and because you care about your hurting brothers and sisters." Why Do You Want to Counsel-

  • Turk points out that Obama thinks that cloning is "profoundly wrong." Yet, he thinks that ending the life of a baby to take acquire stem cells is not. What point of reference does he have for this ad hoc moral calculus? It's all infanticidal cannibalism. profoundly wrong

  • JT points to a Collin Hansen article on theological debates online, where he asserts that the internet has demolished former safeguards that restrained our sinful nature. Blogs as a Window into Our Souls. See

  • Driscoll has some questions and advice on how secure your church is:

  • Here's some good advice on how to take personal attacks, etc. when defending doctrine. 1) Expect it, as those who teach aberrant doctrine successfully are always, always possessed of two qualities – pride and intelligence. Both of these will often feature in their defense against critiques of their work. 2) Know their position and be capable of articulating it at least as well as they can. 3) As a servant of the word, the only thing that must matter to you is the glory of God (not your own), as you must crave only the affirmation of God. Refuse therefore to take such insults personally, being prepared to be treated as a servant. How to Handle Criticism When You Defend Doctrine

  • The new altar call - text message Jesus into your heart. I Texted Jesus into My Heart

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