Saturday, February 14, 2009


  • Clint provides this quote on Calvin: "The key-note of the federal theology, as we take it, is union with Christ. Though it took shape, as a formal scheme of doctrine or exposition, later than the days of Calvin, it is virtually - through the great predominance and ruling power in the 'Institutes' of the idea of 'union with Christ' - the leading thought in Calvin's theology; far more so than any or even all of the 'five' celebrated 'points.'" 'The Leading Thought In Calvin's Theology'

  • Here are seven striking questions for Obama. I have doubts he'll even publicly be asked such things.

  • Phillips writes: "Good heavens. Where's the poxy "Defender of Faith" when you need him? A tiny little five year old girl is chewed out to the point of tears for her "intolerance", because she dared to share an unpopular facet of her Christian faith with another student. Then her mother is called on the carpet for using her private email at home to ask friends to pray for the situation. But, the school responds, they're not being anti-Christian. Oh, no! How could anyone think that? That's the European model to which our liberal overlords want to take us." 09

  • Naselli has this commeent (and several resources and reviews to its effect) on Sparks' book God's Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship. "Sparks uncritically accepts critical views and is overconfident in his conclusions while severely criticizing evangelicals like D. A. Carson, Robert Yarbrough, Kevin Vanhoozer, and James Hoffmeier. Sparks takes the debate beyond Peter Enns’s Inspiration and Incarnation. The book’s subtitle should not include the word “evangelical”: God’s Word in Human Words: An ... Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship." For example, Gary Johnson writes of it, "Sparks in particular paints contemporary defenders of inerrancy in very unflattering colors. Old Testament scholars such as R. K. Harrison, Gleason Archer, and E. J. Young are accused of sticking their heads in the sand to avoid dealing with the real issues raised by critical Old Testament scholars (133ff ) while New Testament scholars such as D. A. Carson and Douglas Moo are said to be guilty of deliberately dodging the issues of New Testament critics (167)."

  • Here's the resolved conference trailer. Resolved 2009 Conference

  • "Lifeway Christian Stores has a strange new policy. They are selling certain titles with a sticker affixed to them. The sticker warns, "Please Read with Discernment™." Note they've even trademarked the phrase! Authors whose books have received such a warning include Rob Bell, William Young, Brian McLaren and Donald Miller." Friday Miscellania

  • Interesting Newsweek article about how Facebook is a waste of time, volunteering to receive spam, and generally empty.

  • Hays has a post on the anti-semitism of Roman Catholic magisterium. "CANON 67 Summary. Jews should be compelled to make satisfaction for the tithes and offerings of the churches, which the Christians supplied before their properties fell into of the Jews. CANON 68 Summary. Jews and Saracens of both sexes in every Christian province must be distinguished from the Christian by a difference of dress. On Passion Sunday and the last three days of Holy Week they may not appear in public.. CANON 69 Summary. Jews are not to be given public offices. Anyone instrumental in doing this is to be punished. A Jewish official is to be denied all intercourse with Christians. CANON 70 Summary. Jews who have received baptism are to be restrained by the prelates from returning to their former rite" Catholic magisterial anti-Semitism

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